Monday, August 18, 2008

Vanilla Ice Is Going To Schling A Schlong!

Just got done watching Vanilla Ice's opus "Cool As Ice" and I'm convinced without a shadow of a doubt that it is the best worst movie of all time!!! Quotable factor... a perfect 10!

"Drop that zero and get with the hero!"
"I'm gonna go across the street and, uh, schling a schlong."
"You're not wasting my time, I'm just cooling."
"Being true to yourself, you ain't true to nobody. Live your life for someone else, you ain't livin'!"
"It ain't where your from, it's where you at."
"Yep, yep"

Not to mention (and I'm going to get completely reamed for this) Ice is super hot in this film!!! For those of you laughing your ass off right now, set your tivo and get back to me. Yeah, he's a total douche not going to argue that and his clothes are without a doubt neon fresh -- but, kids, he's f-ing gorgeous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the fuck did i just read